How we started....
In the early 1990’s, a group of concerned citizens formed the Free Medical Clinic of Marion County in an effort to improve the health of indigent residents. The clinic development was spearheaded by Dr. William Whitehead, his wife Kay, Rev. Ted Blumenstein and a local social worker, Jack Watters. Dr. Whitehead was alarmed by the growing number of uninsured patients seen in his practice and the increasing need for acute care services among under-resourced people in Marion. The original clinic opened in a donated storefront with an all-volunteer staff. An anonymous donation of $2,000 was used to purchase 2nd hand equipment to outfit the facility. The clinic initially operated one night per week and local doctors volunteered their services on a rotating basis. Needed medical supplies were provided from the volunteer doctors and private practices. The original free clinic only provided walk-in acute care services.
By the late 1990's, clinic volunteers began to see a shift in both the number of patients and the type of services requested by the patients. It was not uncommon for patients to begin to line up at 3:00 pm in the afternoon and for there to be 30-50 people in line when the clinic doors opened at 5:00 pm. The patient needs shifted from acute care to more chronic disease management during this time frame. More people began seeking acute care at the hospital emergency room and chronic care became about 75% of the Free Clinic of Marion County's practice. A merger with the Marion Medical Clinic operated through the Marion General Hospital resulted in the transformation into the Center Street Community Clinic (CSCC).
In 2008, CSCC applied for and received the Federally Qualified Health Center recognition. CSCC received fully funded status through the award of a Public Health Section 330 Community Health Center grant. This grant allowed Center Street Community Clinic to expand both services and capacity. Additional medical providers began working in late 2008 and the patient base was expanded to include all lifecycles. Our name evolved to Center Street Community Health Center to more accurately reflect our services, mission and vision.
Dental services were added in 2010 and Behavioral Health services, on a part-time basis, from 2009 to 2015. In 2016 the third floor renovation was completed and Behavioral Health Services increased to full time hours.
Growth and expansion allowed CSCHC to open the Morrow Family Health Center in 2016, providing medical, dental, and behavioral health services to residents of Morrow County. MFHC continues to grow, continuing to provide high quality healthcare to the Morrow County area.
What is an FQHC?
FQHCa community-based organization that provides comprehensive primary medical and preventative care for all ages
medical: 419-751-9010
dental: 419-946-3856
76 South Main Street,
Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm
Patient Portal Login/Sign Up
An FQHC is a community-based organization that provides comprehensive primary medical and preventative care for all ages. Center Street Community Health Center, Morrow Family Health Center, and Galion Family Health Center provide patients the opportunity to apply for sliding scale discounts based on family size and income. These discounts may also apply to dental and behavioral health services.
FQHCs operate under a community Board of Directors governing structure, and functions under the supervision of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a division of the United States Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
FQHC’s seek to improve access to care by bringing primary medical and dental care underserved areas, with a focus of serving uninsured and underinsured. FQHC’s also seek to provide care to special populations, such as veterans, homeless individuals, and residents of Public Housing.